Saturday, June 21, 2008

Of Heroes and Beauty

One of the items Viky bought for me in China on his recent trip there is a chinese calligraphic writing of a famous poem penned by Master Su Shi, a famous Chinese poet and artist who lived in the 11th century during the Sung Dynasty. The 100-word poem is about remembering a hero during the era of the Three Kingdoms who ascended to the height of his heydays flanked by his lovely concubines of unparalleled beauty. But history would only remember him as the one who perished at the Battle of the Red Cliff, bringing home the message that the grandeur that men seek is no match for the tide of time.

Here then is my own calligraqhic rendition of the famous poem, to be read from right to the left and top to bottom, and a landscape painting to go with the mood that the poem may engender.


Lee Wei Joo said...

One of the best landscapes done by mom yet!

c.y. lee said...

I presume that the painting is done by mom? And--translation for the hard-of-Chinese, please! ^_^

Say Lee said...

Yes, you presumed right (I thought it was clear, just to show that a reader might just not interpret the way a writer intends). As for the Chinese poem, it would indeed be a tall order for me even to try to translate verse by verse. That's why only a gist was offered. But if I have time and am in the right mood for it, I may just give it a try ...

Meanwhile, will scout the Internet to see whether a ready translation is available.