Thursday, December 31, 2020

因緣需要用心把握,假使因緣尚未成熟,不妨再等等 吧!等待加上努力,才能在因緣成熟時好好把握。 Take hold of the workings of causes and conditions; if they are not "ripe," then wait and continue with diligence. When causes and conditions are ripe then they can be put to good use. - Master Sheng Yen


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

事情的成功與否,雖然不去計較,然而一分努力、一 份用心,都是增上緣。 We should not get caught up with success and failure. The diligence and thoughtfulness we put into our work, irrespective of its outcome, can be translated into favorable conditions for our own growth. - Master Sheng Yen