Tuesday, February 28, 2023

環境是我們的鏡子,發現自己的言行舉止讓他人不舒 服、驚訝,或者不以為然,要馬上反省、懺悔、改 進。 Let others be your mirror. If your words or actions discomfit, shock, or cause concern to others, immediately reflect on your behavior, express remorse, and improve. - Master Sheng Yen


Monday, February 27, 2023

心不安,主要是受到環境或者身體因素的影響。如果 能夠照顧自己的心,瞭解自己的身心狀況,便能自在 平安。 The mind is agitated by either the environment or the body. Be watchful of body and mind to maintain a peaceful and stable mind.- Master Sheng Yen