Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Birds of Different Plumage

I did a water color drawing of a bird that we had seen during our day at the Lake Lettuce Park last Sunday for hubby's blog on that visit. It was an osprey, aka fish hawk. The drawing is reproduced here.

Then I recall that I have bought a book on birds from the used book store at the local public library some time ago. It's Reader's Digest BIRDS: Their Life, Their Ways, Their World. Published in 1979, the illustrations were beautifully done by AD Cameron. Despite the slightly tattered and faded front cover as seen below, it's actually a steal for $2, at 411 pages.

So I launched myself into drawing more of these birds, using water color for versatility. Here they are.

African Finfoot Podica Senegalensis, an aquatic bird (pg. 162, but I got the name from another image on pg. 37).

Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla Cedrorum (pg. 39).

Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos Sulfuratus (pg. 23, it somewhat resembles the Hornbills which can be found in Sarawak, Malaysia, to my untrained eye).


Lee Wei Joo said...

Mom is really branching out and letting her wings soar!

Bee said...

Thanks for your encouraging words, Onedia. Some may go for breadth while I go for depth, investing my time in just drawing and painting.