Monday, April 14, 2008

Plant species rule!

Since last week, there has been no Arts lessons. Mrs. Fan and her husband have gone to Kentucky to visit her sister. Until her return, I would be honing my drawing skills on my own.

We found another public library further away, at Bearss. It has a nice used book store too and we visited it a second time yesterday. I bought a Baby Panda book full of cute pictures of the baby animal with fun facts. For example, do you know that when a baby panda is born, it is the size of a stick of butter? But in two years, it can grow to the adult size and weighs in at 250 lbs, by eating as much as 80lbs of bamboo in one day. Amazing! And it's an endangered species, meaning its world-wide population numbers at about a thousand. So pandas need all our help in order not to be wiped off the face of this earth.

In time to come, I will translate some of these pcitures into drawings. But for today, the plant species rule.

1 comment:

Lee Wei Joo said...

Such vinbrancy contrasted by the mutedness. Very earthy tones, I like it.