Sunday, July 13, 2008

The One-Stroke Expression of the Birds, Fruits, and Rock

Continuing apace, I completed two more calendar-inspired chinese brush paintings, capitalizing on the relative speed achievable using the one-stroke style, aka XieYi in Chinese, literally translated as "expressing the meaning".

A pair of birds descending on the bountiful lychees.

A pair of birds, seemingly gazing into each other's eyes, oblivious to the persimmon fruits, elegantly hanging from the tree branches.


Lee Wei Joo said...


Anonymous said...

Finally got a chance to catch up with all of your blog postings and "bee"autiful pictures. They always inspire me to think peaceful thoughts.

I was especially interested in the single stroke drawings. I raised the magnification from 100% to 200% and could see how the single stroke was done much better. Nice technique....please, keep posting your work for us.

c.y. lee said...

Hmm that is what lychees look like huh? At first I didn't know whether it was a fruit or flower. I really like the birds in the second painting--they are gazing deep into each other's eyes, how sweet! I really like the birds in the first painting too, but they seem disproportionately small to the fruits? Maybe they are flying in from afar.

Bee said...

Thanks, Arnold. You're always so kind with your words. They mean a lot to me.

Say Lee said...

You have the right perspective, Kittygirl. In the original, the fruits are smaller, being two to a bird's size. Then again it's relative once the third dimension is considered, that it's a 2-dimensional rendering notwithstanding.