Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Smorgasbord of Chinese Calligraphy

It has been a hectic day today. First, I had my monthly Chinese calligraphy class in the morning. And while about to drive off at the end of the class, we were introduced by Brother Yang, our Chinese calligraphy teacher, to his neighbor, a fellow Malaysian from Salak, Selangor. What a small world.

Then the Lin family from Gainesville visited us in the afternoon. And to add to the mix, Hubby brought home another friend, X. Chen, who has some mutual friends with Lin. They were all grad students at UF in the early 1990s. Catching up on old times was inevitable.

Then we attended a Dharma discussion in a Buddhist friend's house in the evening that lasted into the night. What a day!.

With all these events converging in time and space, something good is bound to happen. And that took the form of two guest pieces in today's blog on Chinese calligraphy.

These two Buddhist verses are written by Brother Yang, our teacher, that translate into "Compassion knows no enemy; wisdom overcomes afflictions."

This Chinese character, meaning forbearance, is written by Lin. It combines the character, knife (top), over the character, heart (bottom). How symbolic! The following two pieces are by me.

1 comment:

Lee Wei Joo said...

What a productive and exciting day! The calligraphies are a nice touch to a memorable day. Wise words and great characters.