Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Perennial Tree

Today's painting theme is the perennial tree, a symbol of sturdiness, uprightness, truly hoisting the sky and buttressing the earth, besides conjuring up images of longevity and splendor.


Lee Wei Joo said...

The trees are reverent and poised. A hearty congratulations to mom for her majestic portrayal of the trees.

c.y. lee said...

Hello! I am internet-ally connected with the world again! :D I went to the Sprint shop by work (and home) and purchased a little USB modem and a 2-yr mobile broadband service through Sprint--I get a 20% Target employee discount so it works out to about $48 before taxes a month, which is cheaper and better than other services I looked at.

My favorite is the last painting--I want to see them in color!