Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pandas in various numbers

Today's Arts lesson focused on pandas, drawing them that is. Mrs. Fan, our Arts teacher, has even distributed colored copies of photos of life pandas from a chinese newspaper to help us understand their different postures: sitting morosely, eating heartily, and frolicking.

Now, pandas are known to be solitary animals. So I have drawn them either singly or twosome, except when space permits, but that also countable with the fingers on one single hand. So, here they are, the cutesy animals in my book. Those with light-colored background are photoshots as they are too large to be fed into the A4-sized scanner. Note that the bamboo leaves in the scanned drawings are golden in color, made from gold powder courtesy of our Arts teacher.

A lone panda seemingly guarding a bountiful food harvest.

A twosome preparing to feast on what's at hand (or paw?).

A Mother panda vocalizing a birds and the bees lesson to the cub.

A sort of colony of pandas, their not-so-social nature manifest. According to, a sloth is a company of bears. And this guy suggests a FIX for pandas.
A smiling panda exuding pride after having made the rock climbing (on fours mind you) conquest.

A threesome munching leaves. My Arts teacher likes the depth that the rows of bamboo trees seem to project.

Hey, I can do acrobats.

1 comment:

c.y. lee said...

Heehee! Very cute--my favorites are the first and last ones.