Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bird Chirping Amidst the Fragrance of Flowers

It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words, as the image conjures up a myrid description of verbalized messages in the mind, tempered by the vast store of accumulated memory therein. For most, this may be the case as we are visual animals, easily relating to a graphic display as the mind works its magic through pattern recognition, igniting a flare of cognition as it flashes through the mindscape. However, I suspect that most people would derive the same mental experience as well by merely reading a string of words, especially pithy phrases like idiom, proverbs and the like. Here I have picked a Chinese phrase (shown to the right, and its English translation appearing as the title) that to me, best encapsulates the message and the sense embedded in my chinese brush painting of birds and flowers shown below.

1 comment:

Lee Wei Joo said...

How appropriate Mom's phrase is to describe her chirpy birds and fragrant flowers. Vibrant and full of zest, and definitely so vivid you can almost envision the birds about to soar right through the painting and the flowers blossoming through.