Sunday, April 30, 2023
「知命」與「認命」不同。「認命」是消極的態度, 完全放棄生命的作為;「知命」則是認知萬事萬物有 其因緣,該來的總是會來,順逆皆然。 "Understanding life" is different from merely "accepting life." Accepting life can be pessimistic, a giving up of life. Understanding life is to understand that all things exist through causes and conditions. Whatever is supposed to come, favorable or adverse, it will come. - Master Sheng Yen
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Friday, April 28, 2023
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Monday, April 24, 2023
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Saturday, April 22, 2023
心中不存得失想,便是世間無事人。無事不是沒事 做、不做事,而是做事、任事之間,心中沒有罣礙。 If you do not entertain self-referential thoughts of gain and loss, then in Chan you are "one with nothing to do." Nothing to do does not literally mean doing nothing. Rather, it means your mind is unobstructed when you engage in any task. - Master Sheng Yen
Friday, April 21, 2023
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
做一天和尚撞一日鐘,在什麼樣的身分、職位和角色 ,就要盡心盡力、盡責盡分,便是把握當下,就是心 靈環保。 One day in a monk’s life is one day of work. No matter who we are or what status and role we play, as long as we are diligent and responsible, taking hold of the precious present moment, then we protect our spiritual environment. - Master Sheng Yen
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
凡事心存感恩,努力當下,把自己當成是承先啟後的 「輸血管」,一方面接受先人的養分,也把自己的養 分往下傳,就是善盡生命之責。 As long as gratitude fills our hearts, and we are diligent, then we can be like a tube for blood transfusion—we receive nourishment from our predecessors and we also transport the nourishment we have to future generations. To do this is to fulfill our duty. - Master Sheng Yen
Monday, April 17, 2023
個人生命雖然渺小,只要發揮所能所長,克盡一己之 力,就是扮演了人類歷史承先啟後的角色。 Even though our individual lives are miniscule, as long as we can fully utilize our strengths and develop our capabilities with utmost effort, then we will fulfill our roles of inheriting the past and inspiring the future of civilization. - Master Sheng Yen
Sunday, April 16, 2023
天生我材必有所用,每個人出生時,就已帶著責任和 價值來到世上。這份「用處」,是對人類歷史負責, 對全體社會盡責。 There is usefulness in the talents we were born with. When each of us is born, we bring to this world our life purpose and capacities. Our "usefulness" is measured by our ability to contribute to humanity in the history of our times and to the whole of society . - Master Sheng Yen
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Friday, April 14, 2023
我們希望自己健康、快樂、平安,也希望他人健康、 快樂、平安的這種願心,其中也有自我中心,但與自 私的自我中心不同,乃是利他的菩提心。 We hope to have health, happiness, and harmony for ourselves, and we wish that others may have the same. Self-referentiality exists here, but it is very different from selfishness. Such an attitude of benefitting others is known as Bodhi-mind or bodhichitta. - Master Sheng Yen
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
自我中心原是一種生命的動力,不見得是壞事,但是 如果自我中心太強,經常自以為是、貪得無厭、傲慢 或自卑,自己是快樂不起來的。 Self-centeredness is a fundamental factor for survival; from this perspective, it is not necessarily bad. However, if a person's self-centeredness is too strong, always feeling that one is right, with an insatiable desire for gain, or feeling arrogant or self-disparaged, then it will be very difficult to be happy. -- Master Sheng Yen
Monday, April 10, 2023
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Friday, April 7, 2023
Thursday, April 6, 2023
每個人的條件不同、智慧不同、環境不同、體能不 同、背景也不同,不必相提並論;只要腳踏實地,步 步穩健,就能走出一條路來。 Each individual has his or her own disposition, wisdom, environment, physical makeup, and background. There is no need to compare. As long as the individual is solid, taking each step in life with certitude and stability, then he or she will be able to make something out of life. - Master Sheng Yen
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