Friday, March 27, 2009

The Richness of China Rose

For the rose painting series I started several blogs ago, I have been using a Chinese painting guidebook bought online here. It's entitled How To Draw Peony and China Rose, the second in the Entry series on The Technique of Chinese Painting published by Art Book Co. Ltd, Taiwan in 2005 (see book cover on right), and is one of the best investment I have ever made. The first edition appeared in 1991 and its 71 pages are filled with lucid instructions with excellent explanation on the uniqueness and the distillation of simplicity from complexity that peony and rose appear to the naked eye and their uncanny interpretation on canvas. The roses then have been painted starting from line sketches of a selected scene that projects a tight collection and yet evinces logical arrangement to avoid taking in everything that would only result in clutteredness. This is then followed by coloring in using Chinese brush comprising layered hues of either the dense or dilute forms, or even mixed, to bring out the magnificence of color blend that is the hallmark of the Gong Pi style. The following two paintings follow in the same tradition.

1 comment:

Lee Wei Joo said...

Another excellent effort from Mom! The roses are so sweet and delightful.