Today's "meticulous-style" painting, a term that I coined
previously (the Chinese term is GongBi), is patterned after a sheet calendar. Since the background is non-white (like biege, the color of our very first car bought in 1978, a Datsun (that's Nissan for the American market) 120Y, which I think is out of production now, or replaced by later models), we dropped by AOE Arts Supply to try to get a non-white rice paper, at the advice of Linda who has seen it sold there.
But alas, we went through every sheet (it only comes in free sheets, and not in rolls as is the case for the white rice paper) in every drawer with the shop attendant, and the only non-white color available is slightly darker than white. I just have to make do. On top of that, it has some kind of floral watermark on it. But I doubt it will show up in a photo shoot. So here it is, after a couple of days of labor. (As usual, please click on the image for a larger view whence the underlying floral design can be clearly seen.)