Buddhism views the world in two broad categories: the sentient beings, capable of feeling, and the unfeeling beings. Both need further clarifications lest we miscontrue.
Sentient Beings are all lifeforms on earth, including the small critters and inhabitors of the insect world, which are our equals in the eyes of the Buddha. The unfeeling beings are all other inanimate objects that comprise our land, the seas, the atmosphere right down to household items.
This week's arts lesson is on the "mountain and water" genre, in an attempt to capture the beauty, the harmony, and the serenity, of natural scenery. Like all efforts, we start from the basic units, the individual trees and rocks that in combination result in a breathless scene, though obviously my drawings do not do enough justice. But just let your imagination fill in the vision gaps, the scent, etc.
The individual tree elements.
The different rocks of varying shapes and sizes.
Still more rocks, in clusters.
And viola, a scenary, with with my Chinese calligraphy to boot.
And with the human presence (implied).